
Visual Notetaking

Page history last edited by Wendy Rooney 8 years, 10 months ago




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY9KdRfNN9w - Visual Notetaking


http://showwithmedia.com/visual-notetaking/ - Drawing Info


http://www.schrockguide.net/sketchnoting.html - Kathy Schrock's Guide to Sketch Noting


https://www.pinterest.com/cleverkaren/visual-notetaking/ - Sketch Noting on Pintrest


https://creativemarket.com/blog/2015/08/31/50-awesome-resources-to-create-visual-notes-graphic-recordings-sketchnotes - Sketchnoting/Mind Mapping











Lessons from Sandy from the New Yorker's Big Story Event at Joe's Pub:




   Image result for visual note taking          



paris journal:Summer icon:


image:I like the use of colors and icons in this ad:


Travel icons pt 2:TThi




Easter Weekend - Don Moyer:


image by Andy Fisher, via Flickr:



Ch7 0




Visual Research Project



Select a research topic of interest to you. (Topic to be approved by Mrs. Rooney).Use the above as examples of style. 

Project must contain valid information, correct spelling, proper mechanics, vocabulary indicative of the topic, creativity.

Project must include both illustrations & words, definitions, quotations, etc.  (See above examples)


Project can be done in Smart Notebook or One Note. Project must be printed out in color & saved to your H Drive. 

Presentation will involve both oral (You will call your project up on the Smartboard to present) & a printed version. 






Google Image: (Be sure to save image to your H Drive so you can access it later)

- Google the item you're looking for (i.e. shark animation) with animation in the title





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