Character - people or animals in a story
Character Prezi
Character Types - Intro to Types of Character - PPT
Character Review - Mufasa
Guided Notes for Types of Character - Key
Character Types - Characterization - Dynamic, Static, Round, Flat, Direct, Indirect, Protagonist, Antagonist - Types of Characters - Frozen - Direct & Indirect Characterization - Round & Flat Characters - Character Traits - Character Traits - OLGC

Static Character - a literary or dramatic character who undergoes little or no change throughout the story; a character who does not grow or develop
Dynamic Character - a literary or dramatic character who undergoes an important inner change, as a change in personality or attitude by the end of the story
Catalyst - someone or something that causes change - Character Defined - Character Defined through examples from the book - Character Questionnaire - Character - Positive/Negative - Character Trading Card - BIO CUBE - Interactive - Making Inferences About Characters - Traits - ID Character Traits - Character Traits Video - Character Development - Compare & Contrast Characters - Chart - Rules of Notice in Exploring Character - Character Journal Questions Character Change Graphic - Building Fictional Characters - 10 Questions for Creating Fictional Characters - Character Traits - Interactive Character Activity Using Adjectives Character Activities - Character Trading Cards - Become a Character in Your Book - Tracey's List of 10 - Create a Character Homepage - Define & ID Character Traits - Character Traits Interactive - Character Scrapbook - Character Profile - Interactive/Online/Social Networking - Character Trait Graphic Organizer - Character Task - Character Profile - Character Chart - Become a Character
Three Elements of Characterization
• Physical appearance
What does the character look like?
• Actions, speech, and behavior
What does the character do? How does the character behave? What does the character say?
• Interactions with others
How other characters in the story react to this character
Other vocabulary terms useful in developing characters:
The main character in a story. The protagonist experiences the conflict in the story. The protagonist does not have to be "good."
The cause of the conflict. The antagonist doesn’t have to be a person.
-The words a character uses in conversation and how they are used gives the reader insight into the character.
A character that is over simplified. Lacks originality or individuality.
Your Name:
Title of book:
Character’s first name:
Four adjectives describing character:
Who feels:
Who needs:
Who likes:
Who would like to:
Character’s last name:

Character Traits
LIST OF CHARACTER TRAITS active adventurous affectionate alert ambitious bold bright brave calm cheerful clever confident cool cooperative courageous courteous curious daring dependable determined eager easygoing energetic excited expert faithful fair friendly fun funny gentle generous good graceful grateful groovy happy helpful honest honorable hopeful humorous intelligent interesting jolly joyful joyous kind lively loving loyal mature mysterious nice noble nurturing obedient original outgoing peaceful pleasant polite popular powerful quick quiet quirky rational reliable responsible sensational sensible serious skillful smart thankful thoughtful trustworthy understanding useful victorious virtuous warm wordy youthful

WALTer - Analyzing Character Traits with WALTer
Directions: Identifying character traits and how a character changes is important to understanding literature better. Begin by selecting a word that BEST describes a character. While reading, identify details that support your claim. If the character is dynamic, and main characters usually are, he or she may have more than one dominant or outstanding trait. However, this may change throughout the story. For example, a character may change from cowardly to brave. Select the strongest traits and text details to support your argument. Use WALTeR as a guide, but rather than trying to find one of each type of detail, focus on the details that BEST support your writing goals.
a. Character’s Words: What a characters says through dialogue and how he says it gives a clue to his personality. Is the character saying it in an angry, sarcastic, frustrated, or humorous tone? This adds meaning beyond the literal words.
b. Character’s Actions: How a character acts or behaves gives insight beyond their words. A character might say he is tough, but does he act tough? Why is he angry when his friends throw a surprise birthday party?
c. Character’s Looks: Physical traits contribute to a person’s character. They sometimes create conflicts that must be overcome before there is a resolution. Identify outstanding physical traits that contribute to external or internal conflicts.
d. Character’s Thoughts: Climb inside the character’s head. What is the character thinking? If an author invites you inside a character’s head, they are revealing something about the character: fears, dreams, goals, beliefs, etc. Pay attention to the character’s secret thoughts.
e. Other Character’s Response: Other characters will react to the main character is a positive, negative or neutral manner. When other characters respond in a dramatic manner, positive or negative, take notice.
Round Character - well developed characters. The author tells the reader a lot about the character
Flat Character - not developed. Readers know very little about them. Usually a minor character
Dynamic Character - one who changes during the course of the story
Static Character - one who does not change during the course of the story
Character Report Card

Character Analysis Questions
- What character trait was the character displaying when he ______________.
- Which character was _________________ (funny, grouchy, helpful, etc.)?
- Explain what a character trait is.
- What character trait describes the main character?
- Make a list of 5 positive character traits.
- Make a list of 5 negative character traits.
- Give an example of when a character was __________________ (kind, selfish, generous, etc.).
- Sort this list of character traits into positive traits and negative traits.
- What’s the most important character trait that describes the main character?
- Explain why you would describe this character as _________________.
- How are the character traits friendly and helpful (or other character traits) different?
- What differences do you see in the two characters’ traits?
- Based on his character traits, explain why the character acted in the way he did.
- What other stories/books have we read where a character exhibited this same trait?
- Predict what would happen if the main character starting acting in a lazy (or compassionate, hateful, silly, etc.) way.
- Think about the main character’s traits. Give an example of a situation where these traits would be helpful.
- How would the plot have changed if the main character was greedy (or brave, impolite, etc.).
- What questions would you ask the main character about his behavior?
- Explain how the character’s point of view affected his behavior.
- How did the main character’s traits affect the other characters in the story?
- What caused the character’s behavior to change?
- If you were asked to divide the character’s in this narrative into 2 groups, how would you categorize them?
- Think about the character’s main trait. What are some pros and cons of behaving this way?
- What motivated the character to behave this way?
- If you could assign the main character a different character trait, what trait would you give him? Why?
- Was the character’s behavior consistent with the character traits the author gave him?
- Would the story have been better if the character had displayed a different character trait? Why or why not?
- If you were grading the main character on how smart (or bossy, adventurous, etc.) he was, what grade would he get?
- What is the best character trait to have? Why?
- What is the worst character trait to have? Why?
- Write a story where the main character is jealous (or loyal, friendly, etc.).
- Based on this narrative, create and fill in your own character trait graphic organizer.
- Create an illustration that for the story. Make sure the illustration shows an understanding of the main character’s traits.
- Rewrite the story, with the main character exhibiting a different character trait.
- How would this narrative had been different if the main character had different traits?
- Write a story where the main character’s traits change from negative to positive throughout the story.
Character Traits - Slideshow

What does the Character See? (Perspective)

Character Traits
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