Summary Example for La Bamba:
Have you ever been afraid to do something but you did
it anyway? I just read a story called La Bamba by Gary Soto
that was about a boy who wanted to be noticed, so he
volunteered to be in the student talent show, even though it
scared him. His name was Manuel and the story takes place
at his school.
Manuel volunteered to be in the talent show because he
“yearned for the limelight” and he “wanted to impress the
girls.” He decided to perform a lip sync to “La Bamba.” He
was very nervous about it.
When he went to rehearsals the record player broke
and he also dropped the record: little did he know that it had
scratched in the fall. At the talent show Manuel watched the
other acts and was so nervous he was “shivering with fear.”
The time came for his performance and it all started off
okay until the scratch in the record made it skip. The same
words went over and over again. He sang them over and
over again until Mr. Roybal took the record off. Manuel had
to bow and get off the stage. He thought it was a disaster
When it was all over Manuel realized that the crowd
really did love him. He got many pats on the back and
everyone was paying attention to him. He decided that he
was glad it was over and that next year he would probably
not volunteer again.
“La Bamba” is a short
fictional story about a boy who encounters a problem when he
performs in a school talent show. Tell students that although “La
Bamba” presents a vivid picture of Manuel, it is limited to a few
situations. Explain that, in contrast to a novel or novella, a short story
cannot fully reveal characters by presenting them in many different
situations. As they read “La Bamba,” have students jot down what
they learn about Manuel. At the end, have them note what further
information about his character they would find interesting.
Short Story Elements
• A short story contains the elements of setting, characters,
conflict, events, climax, and resolution, as do novels and
• A short story usually has only a few characters, who are
developed in detail but not in as much depth as in a longer work.
• A short story usually has only one theme.
• A short story is not usually long enough to have subplots.
LaBamba Vocabulary
limelight (p. 195): spotlight; focus of public attention (from the
type of stage lighting used in the nineteenth century)
talent (p. 195): natural ability
applause (p. 195): approval expressed by the clapping of hands
audience (p. 197): spectators at a performance
pantomime (p. 198): communicate by gesture or facial expression,
without using words
cast (p. 198): actors in a play, movie, or other presentation
Time Clue Words
Most stories are told in chronological, or time, order. Paying attention to a story's sequence can help you remember & summarize the most important parts. Words called TIME CLUES signal the order in which events occur. They also signal memories or flashbacks - interruptions in the regular flow of events by episodes that took place earlier.
first before finally while
second after now when
next meanwhile then later
Author Assessment
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