Writing - Page 2







http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/story-starters/fantasy-writing-prompts/ - Scholastic Story Starters



http://teacher.scholastic.com/writewit/mff/index.htm - Myth - Story Writing




https://sites.google.com/site/njaskwritingprep678/speculative-explanatory/graphic-organizers - NJ ASK Writing


Transitional words and phrases. Use something besides first next last.....








http://descriptivewords.org/ - Descriptive Words


http://writingfix.com/traits_primary.htm#forkids - Interactive Writing Prompts - WritingFix.com


http://www.aasd.k12.wi.us/staff/boldtkatherine/WritingResources.htm - Writing Site - Resources & Samples



 http://www.writingfix.com/right_brain/Who_What_When_Where_Camping1.htm - When I Go Camping With Grandmom


http://www.writingfix.com/right_brain/Great_Sentence_Creator_Ocean1.htm - Sentence Creator - Writing Fix




http://www.writeguy.net/for-teachers - The Writing Guy - Jeff Anderson


http://quizlet.com/9521999/flashcards - Writing Acronyms & Terms - Flashcards



https://staff.rockwood.k12.mo.us/kerenselizabeth/compact/Documents/SaidisDeadlist%5B1%5D%5B1%5D.pdf - Said Is Dead - Verbs to Substitute for Said


http://writingfix.com/PDFs/6_Traits/test/Trait_classroom_at_a_glance.pdf - 6 Traits Graphic Organizer


http://writingfix.com/PDFs/6_Traits/Building_Traits_Overview.pdf - 6 Traits - Charts



http://writingfix.com/PDFs/6_Traits/6_Traits_on_one_sheet.pdf - 6 Trait Post - Its - 1 Sheet



Show Don't Tell


Show, Don’t Tell: An Overview of the Craft Element


1. Use active verbs to show what’s happening. (called, stepped, hung, though, swung, raised, pulled, watched, dropped, ran)

2. Use the exact words a character spoke (“Strike two!” the umpire called.)

3. Show the feelings of a character by what he does. (hung his head, heartbeat throbbing in my ears)

4. Paint pictures with specific words or groups of words. (I raised the bat over my shoulder and waiting, I dropped the bat and ran and ran and ran, first base.)



http://teacher.scholastic.com/resources/whiteboards/activities/Show_Dont-Tell-1.jpg - Show Don't Tell - Example


http://teacher.scholastic.com/resources/whiteboards/activities/Show_Dont-Tell-2.jpg - Show Don't Tell - Example



 http://www.dailywritingtips.com/show-dont-tell/ - Show Don't Tell Tips


http://jerz.setonhill.edu/writing/creative1/showing/ - Show Don't Tell Tips





http://writingfix.com/PDFs/genres/expository/Post-its-for_Dangerous_Book_Boys.pdf - Ranking the Author's Voice


http://writingfix.com/PDFs/6_Traits/test/Analytic_Traits_8th_Expos_Organization.pdf - Organization Rubric


http://writingfix.com/PDFs/6_Traits/test/Analytic_Traits_8th_Expos_Ideas.pdf - Idea Development Rubric


http://writingfix.com/PDFs/6_Traits/test/Analytic_Traits_8th_Expos_Voice_WC.pdf - Voice & Word Choice Rubric


http://writingfix.com/PDFs/6_Traits/test/Analytic_Traits_8th_Expos_Conventions_SF.pdf - Conventions & Sentence Fluency Rubric




http://books.google.com/books?id=Ofntq_pjaocC&pg=PA146&lpg=PA146&dq=personification+examples+for+middle+school&source=bl&ots=w7WUpp6_Q9&sig=j1sn0OQ1dXQ8Rggith0zkkrsaY8&hl=en&sa=X&ei=jEprT5qICobQgAfcmIWPBg&ved=0CF0Q6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q&f=false - Middle School Writing Toolkit


 http://www.funenglishgames.com/writinggames/story.html - Writing Games & Activities



Writing Terminology

  There are a number of important terms we use for commonality.  It is important to use the same terminology to unify our efforts and so students are all on the same page.  Its easy for students to be confused when teachers do not use the same terms.  It may seem natural for us teachers, but it is often difficult for students.  
Thinking of ideas and writing these down on your paper before you begin the actual writing
This sentence wraps up, provides closure, and concludes the writing. It tells the reader what you have told them.  At advanced levels, this sentence will also provide a Theme for writing
This is an extended writing assignment utilizing at least two (or more) paragraphs working together to expand and discuss a topic with more specific detail and examples. 
Writing activity in which students transfer their thoughts on a topic into a written or textual form.  This may be sentences, a paragraph, or an essay format.  Mistakes and corrections are expected so students can improve.
These are the facts, examples, and statistics that make up a Support.  These can be in the form of information from charts, graphs, and even quotes.  
Focal Correction Areas, these are the specific areas in the rubric for students to focus and work on for a particular work.  We begin with FCAs on form and format, then move on to other areas as students master these.  
Revising for content.  This is where students should look to add, remove, or change their ideas 
A Personal Life Experience at the beginning of an essay to hook the reader and relate the writing topic to a related concept outside the classroom.
The interconnectedness of the ideas in a piece of writing.  Ideas should flow logically  from one to the next, and the reader should follow the presentation without difficulty.  
This is the activity of thinking about what they have brainstormed and developing a plan for writing.  
This is the students' voice in the writing, a sentence where students incorporate a real life experience  or a related concept which directly connects to the writing topic
This is the basic 'skeleton' or structure of the paragraph or essay.  
The work and thinking that occurs before the students actually start their writing.  This consists of two parts, Brainstorming & Organizing
These are sentences which support the Topic Sentence, and include several details that back opinions or answers stated by the writer
A sentence at the beginning of a paragraph or essay that grabs the reader's attention.  Common hooks will pose questions, give a startling statement, provide unusual facts, or tell a story (a Lead)
Checking over your work for mistakes in spelling, grammar, mechanics, and usage, and then fixing them.  
A life lesson, moral, or message that the reader should learn from reading the paper.
A group of related sentences that work together to present a response to a writing topic.  At a basic level, Paragraphs must include a Topic Sentence, Supports, and a Clincher.  
A final copy of your work, free from errors and ready for a real audience to view it.  
This sentence introduces the topic of your writing.  It tells the reader what you are going to tell them.  At advanced levels, this sentence will Hook the reader's attention and provide the focus for writing.
A guarantee of getting an 'A' on the assignment.  This is the set of criteria used to grade a piece of writing.  Students and teachers both know the rubric ahead of time so both understand the expectations. 
Students working with a piece of writing or text to 
Sound, tone, and individuality in a piece of writing.  Voice includes personal experience and creative writing.  It should be as if the student was reading the work aloud.  



 http://www.scholastic.com/scopemagazine/PDFs/SCOPE-Library-GreatTransitionsHandout.pdf - Transition Words to Use in Writing




http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/lesson_images/lesson782/Rubric.pdf - Writing Rubric


http://www.holmdel.k12.nj.us/schools/satz/eng_dept/NJASK/Rubrics/NJASK%206%20pt%20rubric.htm - NJ ASK 6 Point Writing Rubric


http://www.holmdelschools.org/schools/satz/eng_dept/NJASK/compositional_risk_matrix.htm - Compositional Risk


http://olc.spsd.sk.ca/de/resources/6_9ela/6WebResources/6WritingWebResources.htm - Writing Resources




 http://writingfix.com/left_brain.htm -  Left Brain Writing Activities



http://www.ttms.org/PDFs/03%20Writing%20Samples%20v001%20(Full).pdf - Student Writing Samples


http://languagearts.pppst.com/writing.html - Writing - All Genres PPTs



http://www.topmarks.co.uk/Interactive.aspx?cat=49 - Interactive Writing - Activities



http://www.scholastic.com/kids/stacks/games/ - Writing Games for Kids - Scholastic



http://home.cogeco.ca/~rayser3/writing.htm - Writing Lessons


http://livebinders.com/play/play_or_edit/42092 - Writing Lessons - All Genres


http://www.internet4classrooms.com/links_grades_kindergarten_12/writing_prompts_language_arts_writing_elem.htm?sl=newsletter_nov_2011 - Internet4Classrooms Writing Page


http://www.sabine.k12.la.us/vrschool/read_write_elem_mid.htm - Reading & Writing



http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/flip/ - Flip A Chip - Write a Story


 http://www.vrml.k12.la.us/3rd/homework/write/3_writ.htm - Elementary Writing  Lessons





Don't Use Said


http://www.adrianbruce.com/web_design/writing/said/said.htm - Words to Use Instead of Said




Writer's Notebook


http://denaharrison.com/ - Writing in the Middle


 http://corbettharrison.com/documents/Writers_Notebooks/Writers_Notebook_Bingo_Sept_Only.pdf - Writer's Notebook Month by Month


http://writingfix.com/PDFs/6_Traits/test/Trait_classroom_at_a_glance.pdf - 6 Trait Writing Graphic


http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/student-interactives/essay-30063.html - Essay Map - Scholastic





 http://www.teachingideas.co.uk/english/contents_writingfiction.htm - Fiction Writing






http://www.abcteach.com/free/d/dnfont_alphabet_arrows_cursive.pdf - Cursive Writing Chart


http://abcteach.com/directory/basics/handwriting/dn_style_font/cursive/ - Cursive Writing Practice




http://www.adrianbruce.com/web_design/writing/startn/startn.html - Ways to Start a Narrative


 http://www2.actden.com/writ_den/tips/paragrap/index.htm - Paragraph Writing


http://www.pdfarticles.com/topic/s+story+worksheet.html# - Story Planning Pages - University of Colorado


http://www.ncnonprofits.org/conference/handouts/2010/Structure_Worksheet.pdf - Story Structure Worksheet


http://www.essaystart.com/Step_by_Step_Guide/topic_Selection.htm - How to Write the Perfect Essay


http://www.writing.ku.edu/guides/prewriting.shtml - Pre-Writing


http://home.cogeco.ca/~rayser3/writing.htm - Outa Ray's Head - Writing


http://www.kimskorner4teachertalk.com/writing/modes/activities.html - Modes of Writing




 http://pages.uoregon.edu/leslieob/pizzaz.html - Pizzazz Writing - Prompts, Activities, Poems


Writing Prompts


http://my.hrw.com/support/hos/hostpdf/hostmsprompts.pdf - Writing Prompts - All Genres


http://www.buzzle.com/articles/writing-prompts-for-kids-in-elementary-and-middle-school.html - Prompts - All Genres


http://writingfix.com/traits_primary.htm#forkids - Interactive Writing - Prompts/Games






http://www.brucehale.com/howto.htm - Writing Stories





http://www.letterwritingguide.com/friendlyletterformat.htm - Friendly Letter Format Template




Sensory Words


http://slohs.slcusd.org/pages/teachers/jowhite/Sensory%20Words.pdf - Sensory Words

 http://www.psychpage.com/learning/library/assess/feelings.html - Emotion Words






Narrowing The Topic


http://www.beaconlearningcenter.com/WebLessons/InformationElimination/default.htm -Information Elimination Story Interactive




Writing a Scary Story


http://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Scary-Story - Tips to remember when writing a Scary Story




A Day in the Life of Your Shoes 


http://writingfix.com/left_brain/Mini_Workshop_Day_as_Your_Shoes1.htm - Interactive Brainstorm


"I want you to dedicate a page in your notebooks to a pretty fun idea today, then I want you to illustrate some of your best ideas, and I hope many of you will be inspired to turn your ideas into a full piece of writing. I want you to create a page that personifies one of your favorite shoes; to personify, you need to give your shoe human qualities. Here are some human quality prompts that I'd like you to consider exploring on your notebook page:

Four Funny Ideas about my Shoes





comic/caption #1





comic/caption #2





comic/caption #3





comic/caption #4





Create your own comic strip




http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/stories/wackystories/the-glasses/ - Complete Daniel's Story



 A quotation shows the exact words that a person said. When writing a quotation, capitalize the first word. The entire quotation, including the end mark, should go inside the quotation marks.

"I have to leave now," she said."Where are you going?" he asked.

If the quotation ends a sentence, then add a comma before it.

She said, "I have to leave now."He asked, "Where are you going?"If the quotation starts a sentence and would normally end in a period, then change the period to a comma. (If the quotation ends with an exclamation mark or a question mark, don’t change it to a comma.)

"I have to leave now," she said.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

Quotations can be used to show dialogue, which is a conversation between two or more people. -

 See more at: http://www.ixl.com/ela/grade-4/punctuating-dialogue#sthash.eNb5gf4Q.dpuf


http://www.funenglishgames.com/writinggames.html - Dialogue Game


Strong, Vivid Verbs 


http://swandawritingresources.wikispaces.com/Strong+Verbs+to+Persuade - Strong, Vivid, Workhorse Verbs


Transition Words


http://scope.scholastic.com/resource/uploads_scope/issues/library/pdfs/SCOPE-Library-GreatTransitionsHandout.pdf - Great Transition Words


http://www.worksheetplace.com/mf_pdf/Transitional-Words-Worksheet.pdf - Transition Words





have students pick out a picture special to them...then have them write about being "frozen in that moment." what is going on during the time that the picture was taken? Great writing idea!!Notebooks Ideas, Writers Notebooks, Teaching, Better Messy, Writing Prompts, Languages Art, Frozen Moments, Writing Ideas, Writers Workshop


Story Cube 






Transition Words 


Great Transitions

Transitions are like bridges between your ideas—they help your readers move from one idea to the next.


Here are some transition words and phrases you may wish to use in your essay. Keep in mind that they

can be used at the beginning of a sentence or within a sentence.

If you are adding information or showing similarity between ideas:

• additionally • besides • so too • first of all/secondly/thirdly

• in addition • also • likewise • to begin with

• as well as • another • furthermore • finally


If you are showing that one idea is different from another:

• however • even though • in contrast • on the one hand/on the other hand

• yet • despite • still • some people say/other people say

• but • although • in spite of • regardless


If you are showing that something is an example of what you just stated:

• for example • to illustrate • this can be seen

• for instance • namely • specifically


If you want to show cause and effect:

• as a result • consequently • so

• it follows that • therefore • eventually


If you want to add emphasis:

• in fact • of course • truly • even • indeed


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