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Short Stories

Page history last edited by Wendy Rooney 3 years ago










http://fairytales.biz/list.html - List of Fairy Tales - Gr. 7


https://storiestogrowby.org/bedtime-stories-kids-free/ - Short Fairy Tales


https://www.weareteachers.com/best-short-stories-for-middle-schoolers/ - Short Story Selections by Teachers


https://www.weareteachers.com/best-short-stories-for-middle-schoolers/ - Short Stories


http://www.classicshorts.com/bib.html - Classic Short Stories


https://www.shortstoryguide.com/short-stories-about-survival/ - Survival Theme


https://americanenglish.state.gov/files/ae/resource_files/the-open-boat.pdf - The Open Boat


https://cpb-ca-c1.wpmucdn.com/myriverside.sd43.bc.ca/dist/5/342/files/2014/02/The-Sea-Devil-Arthur-Gordon-no8yh3.pdf - The Sea  Devil - Arthur Gordon




https://www.rethinkela.com/2014/05/40-excellent-short-stories-for-middle-school/ - 40 Short Middle School Stories



Short Stories - Questions


http://users.aber.ac.uk/jpm/ellsa/ellsa_elements.html - 5 Elements of a Short Story


http://staff.fcps.net/tcarr/shortstory/plot1.htm - Elements of a Short Story


http://www.mentormob.com/index.php/learn/playlists/writing-a-short-story-outline - Write a Short Story Online


3 Little Pigs - Plot





Elements of a Short Story notes



Elements of a Short Story


The following literary elements will be discussed as we study short stories:

  • Plot: The chain of related events that explains to us what happens in a story

  • Conflict: A struggle between two opposing characters or forces

  • Character: A person, animal, or imaginary creature in a story, play, or another literary work

  • Setting: The time and place of a story

  • Theme: The general idea or message about life that is revealed through a work of literature





Plot and the Plot Diagram

Plot is the series of events in a story that explain to the reader what is happening. One of the easiest ways to understand plot is to look at the mountain shaped plot diagram and think of story in terms of climbing a mountain. Please refer to the corresponding image to see the diagram and its labels.





Stage 1 - Exposition

  • Exposition is at the base of the mountain or the beginning of the story. This is where the author sets up the story including characters, setting, and main conflicts.

Stage 2 - Rising Action

  • The Rising Action occurs as you begin to move throughout the story. This is where conflicts start to build just like when you climb a mountain you are moving further along.

Stage 3 - Climax

  • The Climax is the turning point of the story. You have reached the top of the mountain and you cannot go any further, you have to turn and go down. This point in the story is when things finally start to move in a different direction and it may not always be a positive direction.

Stage 4 - Falling Action

  • Falling Action occurs after the climax as things start to work themselves out in the story. You are coming down the mountain just as you are coming down from the excitement of the climax.

Stage 5 - Resolution

  • The Resolution is the solution to the problem as you have reached the bottom of the mountain. The solution might not be what you want, but the conflict has been resolved.




Every story has a conflict - a struggle between two opposing forces. The conflict may be between two people or it may be between a person and some other force, regardless, every story revolves around conflict and it's important for you to understand the various kinds of conflict.

  • Internal Conflict is a struggle that occurs within the main character. This struggle happens within the character's own mind.

  • External Conflict is a struggle that the main character has with another character, with society, or with a natural force




http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/lesson_images/lesson1024/story-elements-web-teacher.pdf - Short Story Elements Web


http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/lesson_images/lesson800/IdentifyPlot.pdf - Plot Graphic Organizer


http://www.learner.org/interactives/literature/ - What Makes a Good Short Story?Interactive


http://annenbergmedia.org/interactives/story/index.html - Cinderella Story Elements Interactive



http://www.teacherscoffeehouse.com/freeworksheets/Greg.pdf - Greg the Grizzley Bear

http://www.wildnatureimages.com/Bear.htm - Grizzleys in the Wild

http://www.defenders.org/wildlife_and_habitat/wildlife/grizzly_bear.php - Grizzley Bear Information

http://animal.discovery.com/mammals/grizzly-bear/ - Animal Planet

http://wdfw.wa.gov/hunting/bear_cougar/bear/ - Washington State Bear ID Program


Ghost Boy - SCOPE



Thirteen and a Half - Rachel Vail



Ribbons - Lawrence Yep






The Gift of the Magi





Raymond's Run







Everything Will Be Okay - James Howe








Thank You Ma'am - Langston Hughes




Freak the Geek




Your Move - Eve Bunting




My Side of the Story - Adam Bagdasarian



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMLjcCNlhCI - Youtube Read Aloud




Stray - Cynthia Rylant 






file:///H:/Fly%20Away%20Home%20-%20Eve%20Bunting.pdf - Fly Away Home - Eve Bunting



Smart Cookie - Sandra Cisneros



My Grandmother's Hair



Everything Will Be OK - James Howe



http://teachers.henrico.k12.va.us/short_pump/douthit_c/Site/Blank_3.html - Questions



Tuesday of the Other June











Elements of a Short Story notes


Elements of a Short Story


The following literary elements will be discussed as we study short stories:

  • Plot: The chain of related events that explains to us what happens in a story

  • Conflict: A struggle between two opposing characters or forces

  • Character: A person, animal, or imaginary creature in a story, play, or another literary work

  • Setting: The time and place of a story

  • Theme: The general idea or message about life that is revealed through a work of literature





Plot and the Plot Diagram

Plot is the series of events in a story that explain to the reader what is happening. One of the easiest ways to understand plot is to look at the mountain shaped plot diagram and think of story in terms of climbing a mountain. Please refer to the corresponding image to see the diagram and its labels.





Stage 1 - Exposition

  • Exposition is at the base of the mountain or the beginning of the story. This is where the author sets up the story including characters, setting, and main conflicts.

Stage 2 - Rising Action

  • The Rising Action occurs as you begin to move throughout the story. This is where conflicts start to build just like when you climb a mountain you are moving further along.

Stage 3 - Climax

  • The Climax is the turning point of the story. You have reached the top of the mountain and you cannot go any further, you have to turn and go down. This point in the story is when things finally start to move in a different direction and it may not always be a positive direction.

Stage 4 - Falling Action

  • Falling Action occurs after the climax as things start to work themselves out in the story. You are coming down the mountain just as you are coming down from the excitement of the climax.

Stage 5 - Resolution

  • The Resolution is the solution to the problem as you have reached the bottom of the mountain. The solution might not be what you want, but the conflict has been resolved.




Every story has a conflict - a struggle between two opposing forces. The conflict may be between two people or it may be between a person and some other force, regardless, every story revolves around conflict and it's important for you to understand the various kinds of conflict.

  • Internal Conflict is a struggle that occurs within the main character. This struggle happens within the character's own mind.

  • External Conflict is a struggle that the main character has with another character, with society, or with a natural force.




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