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Open-Ended Response

Page history last edited by Wendy Rooney 7 years, 6 months ago




Constructed Response:

R—Restate the question.

A—Answer the question.

C—Cite evidence to support your answer.

E—Explain how the evidence supports your answer, if needed.


http://cdn.scope.scholastic.com/sites/default/files/SCOPE-100116-ShortWriteKit-Reference.pdf - How To Answer A Constructed Response Question



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rXZr7n5qtE - Constructed Short Response Video




 A= answer the question as written


C= cite from the text using details and quotes to support your answer


E= explain how your citations support your answer




http://www.neshaminy.k12.pa.us/Page/441 - RACES



estate the central

focus of the question.




nswer all parts

of the question.




ite evidence from the text

to support your answer.




xplain: give reasons

to support your answer.




laborate: include

details and examples.




Open-Ended Response


We will be using the acronym R.A.T.E. to help use write complete and focused open-ended responses.







Restate- Restate the question.  Include part of the question in your answer.  It’s best to avoid beginning with “Yes” or “No”.  Also, it is useful to include the title of the story and the author’s name in your first sentence.


Answer- Answer the question.  This is your opportunity to tell what the correct answer is.  Try to include your own phrasing and word choice.  You do not want to copy right from the text.  Try to avoid writing “I think”.  Own your words as if they are a fact!  There are ALWAYS multiple parts to the open-ended question.  Make sure you answer each part.  You can separate each part with bullets or paragraphs to organize your answer.


Text-Prove it!  Support your answer with specific examples from the text.  Locate specific details in the piece of reading to support your position.  You should ALWAYS include more than one detail from the reading.


Explain-Explain how you arrived at your answer based on the proof you found in the story.  Explain why this is the best answer and why your answer makes sense.








When answering an Open Ended Question, use RAGES to help you respond to the prompt.

 R - Restate the Question 

A - Answer the Question 

G - Give Examples (at least 2) from the Text 

E - Extend your Response with examples from your life, the world or a book your have read 

S - Summarize your Paragraph 



http://www.neshaminy.k12.pa.us/Page/444 - Open Ended Response Sample Questions 



In a play, we get to know the characters by watching what they do, by hearing what they say, and by observing how others respond to them.  This is true even in the early scenes from The Diary of Anne Frank.

One bullet one paragraph


       Does the character’s personality make it easy or difficult to get along with others?


Use information from the passage and examples from your life experiences to support your response.


R One of the characters in the play, The Diary of Anne Frank, is Anne Frank.  A She is talkative and strong-willed.  G For instance, she is very talkative to Mr. Dussel. The first day Mr. Dussel arrived, she was talking to him non-stop, while he would reply with short answers. Even though she was supposed to be telling him about the rules of the Annex, she was talking about everything else.  In fact, he kept interrupting her stories!  G In addition to being talkative, she is also strong-willed.  This is shown when she told Mr. Van Daan that she wanted to go to Paris to be a famous instead of being a housewife.  She said she would rather cut her throat than be a housewife. E This reminds me of my classmate.  Even though a teacher tells her to behave, she still speaks her mind to get a point across.  She wants to be famous, too.  S In conclusion, Anne’s actions and speech show us she is talkative and strong-willed. 







What does R.A.S.C. stand for?
R.A.S.C. stands for Restate, Answer, Support, and Connect/Conclusion.



Restate the question. Use all of the question to start your answer. Turn the question into a sentence by taking out the "question words."

the question. Use information from the story to provide your answer. It may only be a one word answer, or your answer may be a little longer. Think of at least 2 answers to the question.

Support your answer. Use the text to provide precise details as to how you arrived at the answer you provided. Give examples or details from the story to support your answer. Go back & find evidence from the text for your answer.

Connect your response to something else. You can connect to a movie, book, magazine, TV show, or personal experience. This last part is just the "icing on the cake" for a great response! Think of a connection: Text to Self, Text to Others, Text to Text, Text to World.


When do I use R.A.S.C.?
Use R.A.S.C. when you are answer an open-ended question. You can use this for all subjects!
Let's look at an example for a Language Arts question (NOTE: This question and story are fictional.):

In the story "The Shopping Nightmare", why does John feel afraid?

In the story "The Shopping Nightmare", John felt afraid because he was lost and did not know where he was in the mall. In the story, John was panicking and was trying to find where his mom was. He was looking at the new Batman action figure and when he turned around, his mom was not in sight. He did not feel safe. The way that John felt reminds me of the movie "Finding Nemo". In this movie, the character Nemo is lost and could not be found. Nemo became afraid that he would not be found and he began trying to find his dad again. The way that Nemo felt is probably the way that John felt in the story.





Can I use R.A.S.C. when I'm writing an open-ended question in Science or Social Studies?
You absolutely can! Let's look at an example of how to write a response for a Science question.

What is the main difference between a simple animal and a complex animal?

The main difference between a simple animal and a complex animal is that a simple animal is made up of only a few types of cells and only have a few body parts while complex animals have bodies made up of many parts. Worms are an example of a simple animal because they have a tube-type body and only a few body parts. Snails are an example of a complex animal because they have many parts including a shell and sense organs. The tube-shaped body of a worm reminds me of a straw because there are not many parts that make it work and a snail reminds me of the inside of a computer because there are many small parts that work together for the computer to work.



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